I used to play with the other kids in the street a lot of games, like hide-and-seek, volley, grab the flag, pass the ring, three, barbie, riding bike, WAR, elastic.... Wonderful times xD
I was a good girl... calm, responsible but very shy =x
I used to collect stickers, read books, dance "é o tchan", watch Mexican soap operas (Maria do Bairro, Usurpadora,...), Chiquititas, Chaves, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Digimon, Sakura Card Captors, TV Cruj.. but what I was really addicted to was Sailor Moon!!! When my father cancelled SKY, I thought I would die if I stopped watching it!! No kidding! ='(
But then I survived and here I am!! ;P
I was a good girl... calm, responsible but very shy =x
I used to collect stickers, read books, dance "é o tchan", watch Mexican soap operas (Maria do Bairro, Usurpadora,...), Chiquititas, Chaves, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Digimon, Sakura Card Captors, TV Cruj.. but what I was really addicted to was Sailor Moon!!! When my father cancelled SKY, I thought I would die if I stopped watching it!! No kidding! ='(
But then I survived and here I am!! ;P
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirI loved sailor moon too!!!