Well, first of all, my everything is Jesus. He is my Savior, my Lord, and my Light. He showed His great love for me and for everybody else dying on a cross. I know I must try to live as He lived and follow His example in everything in my life. It is not an easy thing to do, but it is something I must try daily.

In my professional life, my role model is Prof. Dr. Ma. Antonieta A. Celani. She was my advisor in my doctorate. She's considered the pioneer in English post-graduation courses in Brazil and has been involved with Teachers training for many years. Even though, she is so famous and recognized in Brazil and in other countries, she is very humble and puts herself in the situation of someone who has a lot to learn. That's why she is someone I look up to. I hope I can be a little bit like her and help others as she has helped me and many, many other English teachers in Brazil.
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