
Hello Friends!!!
I like very much music,movies,and books!I like to listening to Lady Gaga,my favorite song is"bad romance",but i like too another singers like Kate Perry,Lilly Allen,Rihanna,My chemical Romance,Amy Winehouse,Moloko,Britney Spears,Moby,Kelly Clarkson,Paramore,Taylor Swift,Beyoncé.I don't like to listening Forró.
I like to watch movies,my favorite is"The Sophie's choice",about the story of a Polish immigrant and her tempestuous lover who share a boarding house with a young writer in Brooklyn.But i like too"the pan's labyrinth","Twilight","The Schindler's list",The Pianist","Dawn of the dead","The night of the living-dead","Spider-man".
About books,i like "Anne Frank Tagebuch"(the diary of Anne Frank),"The house of the ninety-nine ghosts","Schindler's list","Olga"
This is it!!!
Hugs!!!See you!!!
Hi, Charlys! Your lists were so interesting. There are some movies I also like and ones I haven't seen yet.
ResponderExcluirSee you,
Congratulations !!!!! Can not miss Lady Gaga!!!! rsrsrs
ResponderExcluirMy dear,I will teach for you forro!!!!ok!!?
ResponderExcluirCharlys my Brother, in your post is really what you like.
See you later
I love "the Gaga"rsrsrs
ResponderExcluirHugs friends!!!