Hi friends...
My name is Gabriela,I am 18 and live in Teresina-PI, die with my parents (marli and oliveira) and my sister (luana) ... Study English in the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) ... I work in the company as a secretary for week ... I love to walk on the weekends with my friends ... My favorite food is sushi, my favorite color is violet and love to travel ... This is a piece of me ... Kisses Gabriela
Hi, how are you?
ResponderExcluirYou don't know me, but I'm a student of Dr. Luiz Fernando from Sorocaba-SP.
I'm here to ask you just two questions, can you answer me?
1)How do you feel about beeing an english teacher?
2)What are your plans for the future?
You can answer this two questions right here:
Thank you so much.
Have a nice day.